This article was last updated 9 years ago

PHOTO: DAVID PAUL MORRIS/BLOOMBERG, Paypal’s personalised payment reception service which was launched almost an year ago, has finally made its Indian debut. The service — like its global editions — will help you share your own customised URL with your peers for sending/receiving online payments.

Paypal is also targeting freelancers & small merchants selling products & services across borders. Considering how big India is as a market for services looking to tap the ever-ballooning number of SMEs, this bet could well help Paypal establish a more dominant presence among India’s emerging business class.

Merchants can set up their own user profiles that are associated with a personalised URL to receive international or cross-border commercial payments with their existing PayPal account.

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Talking about the India launch, Paypal India MD Anupam Pahuja says,

Freelancers or Sellers no longer need to send a manual payment request or detailed bank account number, SWIFT code. They can simply send their PayPal.Me link while chatting with their client and get paid right away.

PayPal.Me will allow freelancers & merchants to accept international payments in 26 currencies from major credit cards, debit cards and PayPal accounts. It also allows for automatic fraud screening, real-time transaction monitoring and robust protection policies.


So how does it work ? Well, on a personal note, it is insanely simple !

All you gotta do, is login to and create your own personalised URL. (Say Once you’ve set up your own page, your friends or anyone who wishes to pay you via PayPal can simply go on to your personalised URL, log in and pay. As simple as that.

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