This article was published 9 yearsago

DICE pleased every single FPS junkie out there when they first officially announced Battlefield 1. Just the thought of going back to the World War One setting in a game once again exhilarated all of us. And the first official multiplayer gameplay reveal during Microsoft’s 2016 e3 conference only added fuel to the already raging fire.

If you’ve been waiting as anxiously as me, to get your hands on the official game, keep waiting, thats still a dreadful month away. But, what you won’t have to wait for too long is the open beta, that’ll be available to players all over the world by the end of this summer, August 31st on the Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC.

If you’re a Battlefield Insider member, there are speculations that you may get to play a few days earlier then others. Its not exactly confirmed news but its something the Battlefield Insider page always promoted – Early access.

If you’re looking forward to crowding the trenches during the open beta, sign up here(you have until 21st August to do so) and make it quick.

Also if you’re already an Insider member and haven’t given DICE your console preference, you may want to do that immediately so as to be able to receive a code from them.

What we know so far regarding the open beta is that it’ll include just one map, and two game modes. The map is called “Inai Desert” located somewhere in El-Jifar. This map was chosen for the open beta as it showcases everything that Battlefield One proudly boasts of such as, ground combat, dogfights, and a unique new vehicle called the “behemoth” which is basically an armoured train, you can get a good glimpse of it in the new trailer below.

the two game modes that the open beta will feature are the Conquest mode(64 players) and Rush mode(24 players). There’s no confirmation as such regarding when this open beta will end so try and make the most of whatever time you have.

The trailer which seems to be teasing the open beta, features what could be the “Inai desert” and the previously mentioned “Behemoth”, check it out right here:

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