This article was published 10 yearsago

App Store

If you have searched for apps on Google in the last couple of days and haven’t noticed the new colorful search results for apps, well don’t curse yourself. Google has kept this small new change in secret, by keeping its official announcement on hold.

Since its a small enough addition to the way Google shows the search results, it may not make it official after all — leaving the users to discover the new addition for themselves.

Replacing the colorless, vertical list of app results is the new colorful, and eye catchy list. Google seems to have introduced the new pattern of search results to make discovery of apps more convenient. The new addition has been introduced only on mobile and as of now its for the Android platform, with iOS still continuing to show the old fashioned app list.

If you are eager to check it out, then go ahead and just type apps in the Google search box. The apps for Android will be listed; embedded in their specific colors that match their logo’s. For instance, the WhatsApp application had a green tile, while the Facebook app had — no prizes for guessing — blue.

By clicking on more, a list of other popular applications get displayed, with each embedded in its specific colors. It seems really funky at first and resembles the grid pattern on Playstore. But for now an official announcement from Google is awaited and iOS users will have to wait for some time.

Its a cool new approach from Google and reflects its new approach towards Material Design; and possibly reinventing the way search results are displayed — making them more engaging and interactive for users.


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