Google has accidentally published a new app on the Play Store, called “Interactive events”. You ask why it may be accidental ? Well, upon download, the app gives a clear message, saying that the app is confidential and for internal company testing only, and that it should not be discussed with “non-googlers”.


At a first-hand look at the app, it looks like more of a secondary app and not a mainstream one. It simply helps you manage the events you are attending, or have scheduled in your Google Calendar. That being said, it obviously syncs with Google Calendar.

So how does it work ?

Well, the app scans a QR code, given to each event by the app itself. Upon scanning, you get all the details about the app. For example, if you were attending the MWC using the app, you might have got the entire scheduling of the vent, along with timelines of various keynote addresses and a bit of their content.

Another interesting aspect of the app is its ability to sync certain selected session for you, of an event. The selection is based upon the session you personally select for a particular event. The app notifies you when those selected sessions are about to begin.

The app obviously doesn’t work that way round as of now, but that’s how we expect the app to run, when and if it gets public.

The app however is still unfinished, and mostly useless. You can still download it by clicking here.


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