Microsoft talked a lot about holograms today, and rightly so as it unveiled a new, holographic headset called Hololens. Hololens has been designed to take out every bit of Holographic capabilities from Windows 10 so as to blend in your digital life with your physical world.

The new headset, which can be compared to Google’s Glass, Oculus VR and other such headsets, does not require any external CPU or phone or any device for that matter. Hololens has its own CPU, its own GPU and a new, freshly introduced, ‘Holographic Processing Unit’ which is used to do all the image processing. So how does it work ? Well, this video explains it below :

Hololens is actually all about a big, virtual presence. During the demo too, Microsoft brought its executive Terry Myerson to life as a hologram and detailed as to how such a tech could possibly (and will rightly be) be crucial to fields such as research and development. Microsoft is in fact, already in talks with certain third party developers and some of them have already sent in apps to the Hololens team.

There still haven’t been real, practical tests of Microsoft’s Hololens, and hence we should rather not go to science fiction as of now.Though Satya Nadella did talk about experiencing Mars Rover through Hololens, and made some really compelling cases regarding Hololens’s use.

If Hololens does turn out what Microsoft has shown us it would turn out to be, the this may quite rightly be the beginning of a new phase in our everyday computing. Apart from those obvious design uses which Microsoft demoed in that video, Hololens will have an immense potential in medical and research fields as well.

However, we’ll still have to wait for a more public release, to see what Hololens actually has to offer.

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