This article was published 11 yearsago

windows9logoMicrosoft, which has been building the next version of Windows for quite some time now, has reportedly released the earlier builds or beta version to its “top-tier” partners for testing.

As per NeoWinMicrosoft is currently providing some partners with access to the operating system ahead of the public. This, all the more confirms the fact that a public release is on its way, very soon.

But, do not expect any sort of leaks out there from the partners as Microsoft has in place, excessive security features, so that the OS can not get leaked before its public release.

What makes Windows 9 release exciting, is the fact that many features, which user found missing in Windows 8, are expected to be incorporated into the successor. Remember that lovely old start button, well, as far as rumours go, it may be back.

Microsoft is rumoured to launch the Windows 8 successor, sometime in late September (possible  on September 30th).

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