Since the invention of the internet, and all the recent advancements in technology related to this tool, the meaning of security has completely changed. While physical threats to a business still exist, there is a whole new frontier of dangers that can compromise the future of your business in the digital space.

As a business owner, it is your responsibility to develop protections for your company to secure its future. Every day, your brand could face threats that would lead to resource loss or internal disruption to normal operations. If there is no plan in place to prevent these dangers or mitigate them, then your business goals could be derailed.

Adapting to a changing landscape in the business world is the key to protecting your organization’s future. Let’s talk about some strategies you can employ in 2024 to keep the company secure.

Keep Online Tools Updated

It is highly likely that your company uses software programs for various business purposes. Maybe you have a customer relationship manager to track client data or an accounting tool to lighten the load on your financial team. Either way, these programs typically come with built-in security protocols to prevent data breaches, hacks, phishing, and other attacks from compromising your company. However, maintaining strong cyber defenses means keeping these programs updated when patches or new features come out. For example, if you use a popular ERP tool like JD Edwards EnterpriseOne, you should rely on GSI to keep your programs updated so they have the strongest security support possible.

Have Strong Insurance

Though many of the threats to your organization will exist online, there are still going to be plenty of physical dangers as well. If you own a retail store, it could be vulnerable to theft, fires, or even natural disasters. There could be situations that arise between employees and customers that result in lawsuits against the company. When these unpredictable circumstances occur, the impact on your business resources could be severe enough to threaten the company’s future. A strong insurance plan can protect you from these circumstances. At the very least, the financial impact will be mitigated even if the initial problem cannot be prevented.

Support Remote Workers

It is no secret that the workforce has shifted in the last few years toward more remote positions. Many employees discovered that their jobs could be done from home and the positions changed to accommodate this discovery. If your company employs remote or hybrid workers, then it is important to build an infrastructure that protects them and their devices when they are offsite. Using a VPN as a remote worker can make sensitive company information safer in the hands of your employees, so it would be worth investing in these programs for all your workers. You should also have requirements for antiviral software to be installed on their computers so that data is not compromised by a viral attack on their devices.

Improve Onsite Security

Perhaps your business has an office or store that is critical to operations. When you own a physical space, you must keep it safe for everyone who enters the premises. Increasing security at this site can provide more protection for everyone inside, thereby protecting the future of the company. Surveillance cameras in strategic locations could be a helpful deterrent. A professional security guard would also be able to discourage certain situations like burglary attempts. An alarm system to protect the location after hours might also be worth the cost if it prevents break-ins from being successful.

Hire Cybersecurity Specialists

If all these cyber security threats sound too overwhelming to defend against, then you do not have to secure your company’s future alone. There are many cybersecurity specialists and firms that help companies build strong defenses against data hacks and phishing attempts. These professionals can help you craft a strategy to make sure that these attacks are either prevented or their impact is diminished. You might even be able to hire these cybersecurity specialists via a temporary contract to work at your company and shore up its security practices, teaching you how to maintain the safeguards.

Security Will Be Key to Preserving Your Company’s Future

Safety is an important consideration for every business in 2024. Whether that means safety from physical threats or online dangers, it is crucial to prioritize security to protect the company’s assets. Sensitive data, customer information, business property, finances, employees, and more are all resources that are needed for the company to accomplish its objectives, so invest in stronger security practices to ensure your organization has a future when the unexpected occurs.