Google’s relief after getting back into the hardware business is rather short-lived, for the company is now on Julian Assange’s crosshairs — position you wouldn’t want to be, at least in these times. This comes after Wikileaks released its own doodle of sorts, with the organisation’s logo painted in the older Google logo format (via VB).

It isn’t a surprise altogether, since Julian Assange had already declared during the much-hyped-but-ultimately-nothing  Clinton reveal event. He had mentioned, that between now and the November 8 election, WikiLeaks would be publishing weekly documents related to Google, arms, the election, and some other stuff.

Yup, such is the importance of revealing something big about this company, that it was the odd one out in a list of items, which majorly comprised political things.

What’s in the reveals ? Is it some secret documentation or a hidden project Google has been undertaking ? There’s nothing known. What’s known however, is Assange’s continued stand on Google, as to how he considers the company as one, with no direct links to the political system but still holding massive influence.

In an excerpt he wrote more than two years back, he mentions how he had been interviewed by google Chairman Eric Schmidt and Jared Cohen, the director of erstwhile think tank ‘Google Ideas’, now re-christened ‘Jigsaw’. Assange mentions his realisation on how closely Google links itself with the US Foreign Policy and perhaps even influences it to a large extent.

Its still unknown as to what will come out of these leaks. However, considering how the Hilary Clinton reveal turned out to be nothing but a mere snub (an anniversary event), there have been questions on the seriousness of these leaks which Wikileaks aims to produce. We still have over a month left of that election timeline, let’s see whats in store. Stay tuned.

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